Male / Female - $1800
Male / Female - $1800
A non-refundable deposit of $100 will reserve a puppy, and will be applied to the total purchase price. Payment in full is due at time of receipt of your puppy. If for any reason there is not a puppy available that meets your request, your deposit may be transferred ONCE to another litter. Please submit application and deposit payment here:
If you have questions or inquiries, please direct them to one of the following:
Email: bluegrassminibordoodles@gmail.com
Cell: 270-804-3746 (call or text)
PayPal or Venmo is our preferred method of delivery for deposit funds. However, if you choose not to make electronic payment, please make deposit check out to:
Eric Williams
99 Williams Lane
LaCenter, KY 42056
PLEASE NOTE: A puppy is not considered reserved until a deposit is RECEIVED, therefore, electronic deposit is the fastest way to secure your reservation.